Iqtarabat al-Sa'eh* (detail) Limited edition etching 30x30cm 1965 IS118 SOLD
In conforming with Islamic philosophy, art by Moslem artists concentrated on the spiritual representation of matter rather than its material quality. This in turn gave birth to the stylised and abstract ornamentation of the arabe- sque. Given the importance of the word of God as set in the holy Qur'an, particular emphasis on the written word elevated Arabic Calligraphy into peak artistic expression. For some artists, this is achieved in the traditional way. For others, it is a contemporary approach which combines the artist's Islamic roots and a Western education in a synthesis between ancient and modern. Issam El-Said worked in both styles with unique and exquisite results throughout.
 |  | Wal Najmu Itha Hawa* Limited edition print 30x30cm 1980 IS132 | Wal Najmu Itha Hawa* Limited edition print 30x30cm 1980 IS134 |
La Ilaha illa Allah, Mohammed Rassoul Allah Limited edition etching 10x20cm IS189
Rab'bi Ishrah Lee Sadri* (detail) Limited edition etching 60x40cm 1979 IS123
Wa Inneka la ala Khuluqin Adhiem Limited edition etching 16x18cm IS196
Wa Ma Tawfeeqi illa Billah Limited edition print 45x45cm IS203
 |  | Wala Yuheequ al-Makrul Say'i Illa bi Ahlihi Limited edition etching 18x16cm IS193 | Wala Yuheequ al-Makrul Say'i Illa bi Ahlihi Limited edition etching 18x16cm IS191 |
 |  | Wala Yuheequ al-Makrul Say'i Illa bi Ahlihi Limited edition etching 18x16cm IS195 | Wala Yuheequ al-Makrul Say'i Illa bi Ahlihi Limited edition etching 18x16cm IS192 |
 |  | Ya Sattar Ya Allah Limited edition etching 30x20cm 1977 IS117 SOLD
| La Hawla wa la Qu'watta illa Billah Limited edition etching 33x28cm IS119 SOLD |
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